Spread the Word

Political action may be premature. Perhaps voter education should be the order of the day. Even if political action is called for, it is still good to spread the word by means other than political campaigns.

I appreciate all who link to this site, mention it on their blogs or on message boards. Here are some imsages appropriates for using as links. Let me know if you want a different size of one of these.

All this helps, but this is not enough. This site is just a public first draft. I need to take some of these ideas and put into book form. If you are a book publisher and are interested in publishing these ideas, please contact me! Ditto if you work for an editorial syndicate. I am writing a column for a local paper based on these ideas. I think it might be good enough for other papers, but I don’t know for sure, nor do I know how to get into the syndicated column business.

Then again, you might want to use some of these ideas in a column you write for your local paper. The text on this site is copyrighted, but I cannot copyright the ideas. Citations are always appreciated, of course.

And don’t discount good old word of mouth. If people like an idea enough, it can spread on its own. Written fliers can help. Here are some PDFs of some fliers related to this site. I have used them at various Libertarian outreach tables, but they are appropriate for other groups. They are all designed for double sided printing on 8 1/2 X 11" paper.

I appreciate knowing how these get used and how well they work for you.

Finally, I have made nicely-formatted, PDF versions of some of the chapters on this site. I will not make such for all the chapters as I intend to write some books at some point. But here are a few that you can freely print as a handout.